Anyconnect Please Verify Internet Connectivity

  1. ' Could not connect to server. Please verify internet connectivity and server address'. I don't know if the Modem logs will help, but i am attching it anyway. Any help would be sincerely appreciated. Once again, the issue is that i am able to connect to the internet but my VPN will not work.
  2. Please verify Internet connectivity. 11-24 13:57:30.924 E/vpnapi (26414): Function: doConnectIfcConnect File: ConnectMgr.cpp Line: 2075 Invoked Function: ConnectIfc::connect Return Code: -29949906 (0xFE37002E) Description: CTRANSPORTERRORTIMEOUT 11-24 13:57:30.924 I/vpnapi (26414): Message type warning sent to the user: Connection attempt.
  1. Anyconnect Please Verify Internet Connectivity Free
  2. Anyconnect Please Verify Internet Connectivity Password

[solved] How to resolve the Cisco Anyconnect error message “Could not connect to the server, Please verify internet connectivity and server address”

Below is any error message that is sort misleading. seems like it is pointing to the internet not being function while that may not be case. the issue is the interface of the firewall is rejection the connections if you have full connectivity to the internet due to the Cisco bug listed below.


Here are few things that you want to test on the local machine before you start digging into the Cisco ASA back end


After numerous To try and Disappointments on the topic is clear to me: cisco anyconnect VPN please verify internet connectivity shows itself as a the first Solution for said Topic. To initialize connection - Reddit VPN: timed out. 9.12.2(1) should resolve this your AnyConnect connection should After a Windows restart connect to server.

Ping the VPN hostname to make sure it is replying and in some cases it may not and this could be that your firewall is simply blocking ICMP traffic. see below

Perform a NSlookup to make sure DNS is working and name is resolving for you. replace with your hostname.

This is due to a bug if you are running the following code. 9.12.(1) 9/8(4) or 12(1.34) Allshare cast for mac downloadheremup.

see the link below an does require CCO login.

The quick work around that you can do is to disable and enable the webvpn.

Config T.


no enable outside

enable outside


Thanks for reading this and this should resolve the issue until you upgrade the code. The upgraded code will resolve the issue permanently.

KB ID 0000558


Seen when trying to use the AnyConnect client to connect to your Cisco Device.

Cisco AnyConnect
The client could not connect because of a secure gateway address failure. Please verify Internet connectivity and server address.

Anyconnect please verify internet connectivity app


Note: Common sense dictates, make sure you actually have internet connectivity first!

Aac implementation resourcesaac resources. Essentially this is caused because the AnyConnect client wants to connect to the “Name” of your gateway not its IP address, often this can be an “Odd” name allocated by your ISP, if you do not have a registered DNS name that you use. Josh freeman.

That works OK if you can resolve that name in DNS, but if you can’t you see this error. The simplest fix is to put the “Name” you are trying to connect to in the problem clients “host file. This gets checked before DNS is consulted.

1. Run the following command;

Anyconnect Please Verify Internet Connectivity Free

2. Choose “Notepad” to open the file.

3. Enter the public IP and the name the AnyConnect software is connecting to, save the file and exit.

Note: Windows Vista/Server 2008 and newer operating systems DO NOT require a reboot. (XP/Server 2003 and older will).

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Anyconnect Please Verify Internet Connectivity Password

Thanks to Roger Bingham for his patience while I worked out what was wrong 🙂