Mongodb In Dbeaver

The CData JDBC Driver for DB2 implements JDBC standards that enable third-party tools to interoperate, from wizards in IDEs to business intelligence tools. This article shows how to connect to DB2 data with wizards in DBeaver and browse data in the DBeaver GUI.

Create a JDBC Data Source for DB2 Data

Follow the steps below to load the driver JAR in DBeaver. Jake plummer.

Mongodb In Dbeaver
  1. Open the DBeaver application and, in the Databases menu, select the Driver Manager option. Click New to open the Create New Driver form.
  2. In the Driver Name box, enter a user-friendly name for the driver.
  3. To add the .jar, click Add File.
  4. In the create new driver dialog that appears, select the cdata.jdbc.db2.jar file, located in the lib subfolder of the installation directory.
  5. Click the Find Class button and select the DB2Driver class from the results. This will automatically fill the Class Name field at the top of the form. The class name for the driver is cdata.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver.
  6. Add jdbc:db2: in the URL Template field.
Connect mongodb in dbeaver

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Create a Connection to DB2 Data

Follow the steps below to add credentials and other required connection properties.

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Mongodb In Dbeaver Community Edition

  1. In the Databases menu, click New Connection.
  2. In the Create new connection wizard that results, select the driver.
  3. On the next page of the wizard, click the driver properties tab.
  4. Enter values for authentication credentials and other properties required to connect to DB2.

    Built-in Connection String Designer

    For assistance in constructing the JDBC URL, use the connection string designer built into the DB2 JDBC Driver. Either double-click the JAR file or execute the jar file from the command-line.

    java -jar cdata.jdbc.db2.jar

    Fill in the connection properties and copy the connection string to the clipboard.

    Below is a typical connection string:


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Query DB2 Data

You can now query information from the tables exposed by the connection: Right-click a Table and then click Edit Table. Best free ocr app for mac. The data is available on the Data tab.


The $in operator selects the documents where the valueof a field equals any value in the specified array. To specify an$in expression, use the following prototype:

For comparison of different BSON type values, see the specifiedBSON comparison order.

If the field holds an array, then the $in operatorselects the documents whose field holds an array that containsat least one element that matches a value in the specified array(for example, <value1>, <value2>, and so on).

This document describes the $in query operator.For the $in aggregation operator, see$in (aggregation).


Use the $in Operator to Match Values¶

Consider the following example:

This query selects all documents in the inventorycollection where the qty field value is either 5 or15. Although you can express this query using the$or operator, choose the $in operator ratherthan the $or operator when performing equality checks onthe same field.


Use the $in Operator to Match Values in an Array¶

The collection inventory contains documents that include the fieldtags, as in the following:

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Then, the following update() operation willset the sale field value to true where the tags field holdsan array with at least one element matching either 'appliances' or'school'.

For additional examples in querying arrays, see:

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For additional examples in querying, see:

Use the $in Operator with a Regular Expression¶

The $in operator can specify matching values using regularexpressions of the form /pattern/. You cannot use $regexoperator expressions inside an $in.

Consider the following example:

This query selects all documents in the inventory collection wherethe tags field holds either a string that starts with be orst or an array with at least one element that starts with be orst.

Mongodb In Dbeaver 2020

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