Certain Office 2013 products are kept up to date automatically by using a technology called Click-to-Run. If you'd like to verify that you're up to date, check your Office version number and manually update Office if necessary.

The most current version of Office 2013 is 15.0.5337.1001 Power photos for el capitan. , which was released on April 13, 2021.
Important note: Microsoft Word 2013 is no longer available. Office 2013 include applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. They’re available as a one-time purchase for use on a single PC. Microsoft 365 plans include premium versions of these applications plus other services that are enabled over the Internet, including online storage with OneDrive and Skype minutes for home use. Microsoft Excel 2013 is a program that allows you to discover and reveal the insights hidden in your documents data. Programs for query ″microsoft office 2013 exe download″ Update for Microsoft Office 2013 (KB2956154) 32-Bit Edition. Word 2013 is a word processing program produced by Microsoft. It is part of the entire Office Suite that was put out as the 2013 version. Though the program of course is very similar to previous versions of Word, there are also many performance advancements that were made by Microsoft in making this 2013 version available. Create and print labels. Creating an MLA paper with citations and a bibliography. Footnotes in Word 2013. Mirror margins in Word 2013. Resumes in Word. Take tables of contents (TOCs) to the next level. Use landscape and portrait orientation. Using Styles in Word.
To check your version of Office, do the following:
Open any Office 2013 application, such as Word or Excel.
Choose File > Account.
Under Product Information, note the version number below Office Updates.
If the version number matches the most current version, you're up to date. If not, you can manually update to get the latest version of Office 2013. To update Office, follow these steps.
Microsoft Office Word 2013 Product Key
List of release dates, version numbers, and fix information for Office 2013 updates
The following table provides a list of updates for Office 2013, with the most recent release date listed first. The table includes the version number for the release and a link to the Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article, if available, that contains information about the fixes that are included in the update.
New versions contain all the updates contained in previous versions.
Flash player firefox mac. The KB articles listed below are for reference purposes only. Click-to-Run updates include all the fixes listed in the KB articles. You don't need to download the separate updates listed in the KB articles.
Release year | Release date | Version number | More information |
2021 | April 13 | 15.0.5337.1001 | KB 5001778 |
March 9 | 15.0.5327.1000 | KB 5000635 | |
February 9 | 15.0.5319.1000 | KB 5000653 | |
January 12 | 15.0.5311.1000 | KB 4583559 | |
2020 | December 8 | 15.0.5301.1000 | KB 4583521 |
November 10 | 15.0.5293.1000 | KB 4583503 | |
October 13 | 15.0.5285.1000 | KB 4583495 | |
September 8 | 15.0.5275.1000 | KB 4576653 | |
August 11 | 15.0.5267.1000 | KB 4563408 | |
July 14 | 15.0.5259.1000 | KB 4559453 | |
June 9 | 15.0.5249.1001 | KB 4559448 | |
May 12 | 15.0.5241.1000 | KB 4549680 | |
April 14 | 15.0.5233.1000 | KB 4549670 | |
March 13 | 15.0.5223.1001 | KB 4538705 | |
February 11 | 15.0.5215.1000 | KB 4538704 | |
January 14 | 15.0.5207.1000 | KB 4536554 | |
2019 | December 10 | 15.0.5197.1000 | KB 4532624 |
November 12 | 15.0.5189.1000 | KB 4527848 | |
October 8 | 15.0.5179.1000 | KB 4522242 | |
September 10 | 15.0.5172.1000 | KB 4517986 | |
August 13 | 15.0.5163.1000 | KB 4514418 | |
July 9 | 15.0.5153.1001 | KB 4509295 | |
June 11 | 15.0.5145.1001 | KB 4505743 | |
May 14 | 15.0.5137.1000 | KB 4501270 | |
April 9 | 15.0.5127.1000 | KB 4495300 | |
March 12 | 15.0.5119.1000 | KB 4491754 | |
February 12 | 15.0.5111.1001 | KB 4488446 | |
January 8 | 15.0.5101.1002 | KB 4484800 | |
2018 | December 19 | 15.0.5093.1001 | KB 4477615 |
November 13 | 15.0.5085.1000 | KB 4469617 | |
October 9 | 15.0.5075.1001 | KB 4464656 | |
September 11 | 15.0.5067.1000 | KB 4459402 | |
August 14 | 15.0.5059.1000 | KB 4346823 | |
July 10 | 15.0.5049.1000 | KB 4340798 | |
June 12 | 15.0.5041.1001 | KB 4299875 | |
May 8 | 15.0.5031.1000 | KB 4133083 | |
April 10 | 15.0.5023.1000 | KB 4098622 | |
March 13 | 15.0.5015.1000 | KB 4090988 | |
February 13 | 15.0.5007.1000 | KB 4077965 | |
January 9 | 15.0.4997.1000 | KB 4058103 | |
2017 | December 12 | 15.0.4989.1000 | KB 4055454 |
November 14 | 15.0.4981.1001 | KB 4051890 | |
October 10 | 15.0.4971.1002 | KB 4043461 | |
September 12 | 15.0.4963.1002 | KB 4040279 | |
July 27 | 15.0.4953.1001 | KB 4036121 | |
July 13 | 15.0.4945.1001 | KB 4033107 | |
June 13 | 15.0.4937.1000 | KB 4023935 | |
May 9 | 15.0.4927.1002 | KB 4020152 | |
April 11 | 15.0.4919.1002 | KB 4016803 | |
March 14 | 15.0.4911.1002 | KB 4013886 | |
February 22 | 15.0.4903.1002 | KB 4010765 | |
January 10 | 15.0.4893.1002 | KB 3214449 | |
2016 | December 13 | 15.0.4885.1001 | KB 3208595 |
November 8 | 15.0.4875.1001 | KB 3200802 | |
October 11 | 15.0.4867.1003 | KB 3194160 | |
September 13 | 15.0.4859.1002 | KB 3188548 | |
August 9 | 15.0.4849.1003 | KB 3181038 | |
July 25 | 15.0.4841.1002 | KB 3179661 | |
July 12 | 15.0.4841.1001 | KB 3173835 | |
June 14 | 15.0.4833.1001 | KB 3166910 | |
May 25 | 15.0.4823.1004 | This version fixes a crash that may occur during the installation process. | |
May 10 | 15.0.4823.1002 | KB 3158453 | |
April 12 | 15.0.4815.1002 | KB 3150264 | |
March 8 | 15.0.4805.1003 | KB 3143491 | |
February 17 | 15.0.4797.1003 | This version fixes a problem that may cause Office apps, such as Word, Excel, or Outlook to freeze or perform very slowly when you scroll the window or when you copy and paste text. | |
February 9 | 15.0.4797.1002 | KB 3137471 | |
January 12 | 15.0.4787.1002 | KB 3131245 | |
2015 | December 8 | 15.0.4779.1002 | KB 3121650 |
November 24 | 15.0.4771.1004 | This version fixes an Outlook crash. | |
November 10 | 15.0.4771.1003 | KB 3108456 | |
October 13 | 15.0.4763.1003 | KB 3099951 | |
September 8 | 15.0.4753.1003 | KB 3092181 | |
August 11 | 15.0.4745.1002 | KB 3083805 | |
July 14 | 15.0.4737.1003 | KB 3077012 | |
June 9 | 15.0.4727.1003 | KB 3068507 | |
May 12 | 15.0.4719.1002 | KB 3061974 | |
April 14 | 15.0.4711.1003 | KB 3050766 | |
March 10 | 15.0.4701.1002 | KB 3040794 | |
February 10 | 15.0.4693.1002 | KB 3032763 | |
2014 | December 9 | 15.0.4675.1002 | KB 3020812 |
November 11 | 15.0.4667.1002 | KB 3012392 | |
October 14 | 15.0.4659.1001 | KB 3003800 | |
September 16 | 15.0.4649.1003 | KB 2889931 | |
September 9 | 15.0.4649.1001 | KB 2995902 | |
August 12 | 15.0.4641.1003 | KB 2989071 | |
July 24 | 15.0.4631.1004 | KB 2989605 | |
July 8 | 15.0.4631.1002 | KB 2980001 | |
June 10 | 15.0.4623.1003 | KB 2971668 | |
May 22 | 15.0.4615.1002 | This version fixes activation errors. | |
May 13 | 15.0.4615.1001 | KB 2964042 | |
April 8 | 15.0.4605.1003 | KB 2955382 | |
March 11 | 15.0.4569.1508 | KB 2937335 | |
February 25 | 15.0.4569.1507 | KB 2817430 (Service Pack 1) | |
January 14 | 15.0.4551.1512 | KB 2923177 | |
2013 | December 10 | 15.0.4551.1011 | KB 2916204 |
November 12 | 15.0.4551.1005 | KB 2908105 | |
October 8 | 15.0.4535.1511 | KB 2892139 | |
September 10 | 15.0.4535.1004 | KB 2884129 | |
August 13 | 15.0.4517.1509 | KB 2876211 | |
July 9 | 15.0.4517.1005 | KB 2867767 | |
June 11 | 15.0.4505.1510 | KB 2860010 | |
May 14 | 15.0.4505.1006 | KB 2847265 | |
April 9 | 15.0.4481.1510 | KB 2833132 |
77-418: Microsoft Word 2013

Microsoft Office Word 2013 Free Download For Pc

Microsoft Office Word 2013 Product Key Free
Languages: English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Greek (Greece), Vietnamese (Vietnam)
Microsoft Office Word 2013 Windows 10

Retirement date: none
A core-level candidate for the Microsoft Word 2013 exam should have a fundamental understanding of the Word environment and the ability to complete tasks independently. They should know and demonstrate the correct application of the principal features of Word 2013. These candidates should be able to create and edit 2-3 page documents for a variety of purposes and situations. Examples include professional-looking reports, multi-column newsletters, résumés, and business correspondence. Candidate roles might include students, clerical workers, instructors, and others.
Price based on the country in which the exam is proctored.
for Microsoft Word 2013All objectives of the exam are covered in depth so you'll be ready for any question on the exam.