Planning your Twitter content strategy for maximum exposure and engagement is a meaty task, even for the most seasoned marketer. Luckily, there is data available that can help in the planning process, providing valuable insight into your own account, your followers, and the Twitter community as a whole.
Twitter analytics provides a wealth of information that can help you create meaningful Tweets that will resonate with your target audience. Below are seven things you can learn from your Twitter data.
Tweet impressions
Under the Tweets section, you can find a list of all your Tweets and the number of impressions. You can see individual Tweet performance, as well as recent months or a 28-day overview of cumulative impressions. Capitalize on this information by repurposing Tweets that gained the most impressions, or creating Tweets on a similar subject.
You can also use the cumulative overview to compare monthly activity. What did you do differently in a month with higher impressions? Did you Tweet more frequently? Take a look and see how you can recreate months that earned you high impressions. Another option is to try out Promoted Ads, which will help your content reach more people.

Tweet engagements and engagement rate
Similar to impressions, the Tweets section also shows your Tweets engagement, or the number of interactions your Tweet has received, as well as the engagement rate, which is engagements divided by impressions. If your Tweets are receiving little engagement, you may want to rethink your subject matter and format, for instance, you may want to add photo or video to your content mix, which tends to generate more engagement.
Top Tweets
Each month, your main analytics dashboard will display your top Tweet and top media Tweet (by impressions). Click 'View Tweet activity' to see the specific engagement broken down by detail expands, link clicks, profile clicks, and more.
Seeing all your top Tweets per month laid out in the same place allows you to aggregate the learnings and see what they have in common. Are they all adopting the same brand voice? Do they all have an emoji in them? These are tried-and-true aspects that resonate with your audience over time.
Follower growth
In the followers dashboard, you can track how your following has increased over the last 30 days, and also how many new followers you’ve received per day. If you notice a particular day has either gained or lost you several followers, be sure to check what you Tweeted that day to try and determine the cause. You can also consider running a followers campaign to gain engaged new followers.
The latest tweets from @TOPoftheTOP. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
Profile visits

Twitter Topol
The number of visits to your Twitter profile is displayed at the top of your analytics dashboard. This number is reflected across a 28-day period and is updated daily. It also shows how it compares to the last 28-day period, along with a mini graph displaying this data over time.
Similar to the profile visits metric, you can also view your @mentions over the last 28 days and over time. Your top mention is also displayed each month, calculated by engagement, with a link that drops you directly into that Tweet for extra context. Vivaldi four seasons video.
Video content performance
If you’re using video as part of your content strategy, you can track your video views, as well see a bigger picture of how people are responding to your videos. For instance, are they watching it to completion?
Twitter Topics Turn Off
If you want to fine-tune your Twitter strategy, spending some time understanding your Twitter analytics is a great place to start. Get started by viewing your Twitter analytics dashboard today.
Would you like to know what is trending on Twitter before Twitter even knows what will be trending on Twitter? Analytics can tell you which hashtags are trending, faster and more accurately than any other service available today.
What’s Trending on Twitter?
Trending topics are those topics being discussed more than others. As Twitter explains trending topics, “Twitter Trends are automatically generated by an algorithm that attempts to identify topics that are being talked about more right now than they were previously. The Trends list is designed to help people discover the ‘most breaking’ breaking news from across the world, in real-time. The Trends list captures the hottest emerging topics, not just what.s most popular.”
Twitter Top Hashtags
What’s Trending on Twitter Right Now?
According to’s proprietary trending algorithm, here are the top 40 trending topics UP, DOWN and CONSTANT.

Twitter Topcst1
Click on any of the three icons to view 100 of the trending topics in each of the areas: