Slang has been around for many years, and with the creation of the internet, it has evolved faster than ever with new terms popping up every few weeks.
Over the years, each new platform has brought with it its own terms and abbreviations and although TikTok is a relatively new app, a plethora of slang has developed from it already.
Slang terms created on the internet have even found places for themselves in the Oxford English Dictionary, where “LOL” and “BFF” reside boastfully.
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What does KHS mean on TikTok?
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One meaning of KHS is “kill himself” or “kill herself.”

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The term is derived from the slang “KYS” which stands for “kill yourself.”
The slang is used to mean the above statements without actually spelling them out. This is because certain words are recognised on TikTok and violate communities guidelines, which will result in a video containing them being removed from the platform.
Both abbreviations are pretty bleak terms and should never be directed at someone else.
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If you are having suicidal thoughts, reach out to one of the helplines below.
Other TikTok slang terms explained
The term IBFS on TikTok stands for “internet best friends.”
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I- Internet
B- Best
F- Friend
S- (makes it plural)
An internet best friend is someone that you have met through the internet (whether it be Twitter, TikTok, or any other platform) and become close friends with.
FYP stands for “For You Page“
The For Your Page is the main page on TikTok where you can watch videos suggested for you by the TikTok algorithm.
PFP stands for “Profile Picture”
A profile picture is the photograph you set on your social media accounts.